建于17世纪的Crotta别墅极有可能是威尼斯贵族Crotta家族的狩猎别墅。它是威尼斯别墅区域研究所的研究对象之一。 Casa Crotta (former Dalle Crode, Tibolet) is most probably an ancient hunting lodge built in the XVII century by a Venetian noble family – the Crotta’s – and is listed in the catalog of the Regional Institute of Venetian Villas. 这座房屋位于塔尔佐(特雷维索)群山之间的小村庄Arfanta,是沿着市政公路右侧修建的第一批乡村建筑中的一座。原房屋布局中,唯有地平层是可以住人的,这反应了房屋的原始用途:狩猎别墅——只是偶尔使用,且使用的时间不会超过几个小时。 建筑师在修复这栋房屋时也运用了诸多全新的建筑元素。为了使其彻底转变成舒适的居住场所,建筑师对地面层和一层空间的功能进行再分配:杂货间变身厨房;在地面层和一层分别加设一个卫生间。修复过程中产生的废弃陶片和石材均被清理,而后重新使用到新的建筑中。 The house is situated in the hamlet of Arfanta, among the hills of Tarzo (Treviso), and is the first of a series of rural buildings located right along the municipal road. The building presented only one habitable storey, a raised ground floor. This feature reflected the original intended use of the house: the hunting lodge was only occasionally being used, and for a few hours a day. The poor preservation status required a major intervention to avoid compromising the functionality of the building. A restoration work has been coupled with the realization of brand new architectural elements. In order to turn the whole lodge into a comfortable living space, a slight but significant redistribution of spaces has been conducted on both the ground floor and the first floor. A recent indelicate accretion has been transformed into the new kitchen, while two bathrooms have been realized, respectively at the ground floor and at the first floor. All the terracotta and stone materials recovered during the restoration have been cleaned and subsequently reused. ▽ 立面石材,the stone materials ▽ 从厨房看向餐厅,view from the kitchen to the dining room ▽ 地平层的高差关系,the different levels on the groundfloor ▽ 一层的房间,the rooms on the first floor ▽ 二层空间,the space on the second floor ▽ (左)通往一层的楼梯,(右)通往二层的楼梯;(left) the staircase to the first floor , (right) the staircase to the second floor 复原的工作还包括重新设计一座室外的凉棚用于停车和储藏,以及修复房屋附近的石塔。这些工作将分为几个阶段陆续完成。 The restoration is due to be concluded in several stages and foresees as well the recovery of a small stone tower adjacent to the building and the redesign of an outdoor pergola used as both garage and storage. ▽ 通往别墅的门扉,the gate to Casa Crotta ▽ 图纸,drawings ▽ 入口层平面图(带环境)The ground floor plan with surroundings ▽ 入口层平面图,the ground floor plan ▽ 一层平面图,the first floor ▽ 二层平面图,the second floor ▽ 剖面图,the section